R.L. Dailey LLC

The Great Mainstream Faux Pas

November 29, 2021

My Not-So-Secret Inspiration

When sitting down to write my book and these blog posts, why do I hesitate to use the name Jesus?

When having conversations with friends and acquaintances about how we manage to stay sane, why do I hesitate to say Jesus?

Well, I’ll tell you why. 

Right before I respond to people, a little red flag pops up and a thought runs through my mind:
What will they think, say, or do if I tell them the truth? Because the truth is, I am praying constantly throughout the day and with every decision I make. Each time I get anxious, I pray. When I’m overwhelmed, I pray. When I’m thankful, I pray. When I’m frustrated things aren’t going my way, I pray. Seriously, Jesus is probably like, “Oh, it’s you again.” But I keep praying at least five words: Jesus, I trust in you.

Now why don’t I just say that?

When watching films, shows, commercials, videos or when reading books, blogs, articles, etc., we are cool with all forms of profanity, sex, and violence. But someone mentions Jesus, and people immediately discount the point the person is trying to make. How sad is that? 

Whether you believe Jesus is divine or not, His life was freaking beautiful! So why the tension? Why do people feel put off when He’s mentioned? Well, millions of reasons exist and for many that reason is personal. Yet, one reason I believe I hesitate to mention Jesus or God when discussing my books or blogs to people is because modern society has taken the REAL out of Jesus. We’ve made him this figure that should be associated only with proper living, manners, reverence, and pretentiousness. 

However, that is EXACTLY the opposite of Jesus. For crying out loud, look at the man’s friends! He hung out with people who did some shady shit. People we would look at today and be like, “Aw man, you need to rethink your life.” And he didn’t just have polite conversation with these people, Jesus hung out with them, ate dinner with them, joked with them, prayed with them, and had compassion for them. He didn’t approach them and say, “Let me fix you.” Jesus approached them and basically said, “How’s it going? Wanna hang out? Oh! And by the way, I see you and love you.”  Jesus got REAL.

When writing my book, I naively intended on making a simple fun novel that incorporated suspense and magic. However, halfway through my book, I realized the Light the main character was attempting to connect with the whole time was really a representation of my relationship with Jesus or God. And even though I didn’t realize I was using metaphors, the Holy Spirit kept on inspiring me to write about hope and Jesus anyway.

This message of hope and faith exists in my book as the major underlying theme. However, my book is for adults. The characters go through REAL life ... traumatic life. They live through terrible experiences, do things “wrong”, and curse up a storm. But hey, THAT’S REAL! THAT is the stuff we’re all experiencing and doing ALL the TIME.

I mean for crying out loud, yesterday, I stubbed my toe -- just a toe, right? -- and the first thing out of my mouth was “shit.” And I won’t apologize for it because it freakin’ hurt and that’s me. I’m not dainty, proper, or perfect. I was blessed with this rough and tumble, passionate personality, and that’s what you’re gonna get. Just like if you ask me what inspires me and keeps me sane, I’m going to push straight past that red flag and tell you: JESUS! WHOOHOO!

So if someone asks me what my inspiration was when writing the book, I can honestly say that it took me halfway through finishing the book to realize I was being inspired by powers beyond myself. When I read through the book for the first time, I realized there were some seriously strong Jesus currents flowing between the lines. 

It’s funny; when you mention that Jesus or God is the reason behind things you do, some people respond with a polite, “Ahhh…” Even though they’re trying to be polite, their eyes widen just slightly, revealing they think you’re “one of those” people. 

So why the response? I mean I know I’ve done the very same thing. Why does Jesus being the answer annoy us sometimes? I think it may be because we want a tangible easily acquired answer to our problems. And when someone says Jesus is the answer, it bothers us for two reasons:

  1. Jesus doesn’t give you what you want right away.
  2. Jesus is a mystery.

So this really comes down to having

Many people blame our lack of faith on our instant gratification lifestyle, but I’m not so sure. I’ve seen people wait all night in a line the night of Thanksgiving to get into a store and purchase one big item. That’s dedication, not instant gratification. 

I think the real issue is with the
leap of faith. That leap can be big, and we really don’t want to fall in a pit.

People are actually pretty cool with waiting if there are guarantees. Think about it. If you told someone “Okay, so you’ll have to wait until your 36 to have a kid, but I can guarantee you
will have one and your kid will be beautiful, brilliant, and a topnotch human,” the person may be disappointed they have to wait. But the guarantee will lessen the blow and give the person peace of mind. 

Now tell that same person, “Go ahead, try to make a baby; there are no guarantees you’ll get one.” The person will start to panic a little if it doesn’t happen right away. The person will do everything in her control to make that baby happen, becoming incredibly impatient and frustrated in the process. Now maybe she’s okay that it won’t happen today or even tomorrow, but -- the fear trickles in -- maybe it will NEVER happen! 

And that fear is what freaks us out and causes an unending cycle of sweaty anxiety attacks and sleepless nights. That fear drives people to take control of everything in their lives. That fear eliminates our ability to have faith and turns us into instant gratification monsters to ensure life’s guarantees. But as we all know, they don’t exist -- no matter how desperately we seek them. 

So what does this mean?

When I say Jesus is the reason I can handle the things I do, people aren’t actually irritated by Jesus. They’re irritated by the fact that I don’t have an easy answer for them. My answer requires faith, and I may not get what I want in the end. It seems risky. 

However …

What I do know is my confidence in myself and humanity has greatly increased from the moment I increased my faith in Jesus. And I’ll tell you one thing; I’d rather live like Him each day, spreading love and compassion, than live a life without Him.

If you’re into the themes of REAL faith, hope, and the battle of good and evil throughout the world, you’ll enjoy

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December 13, 2021
November 16, 2021
Becoming a Better Person and a Better Mom
November 9, 2021
Why R. L. Dailey?
November 1, 2021
What a ride! About six years ago, I decided to do something a little voice inside my head had been telling me to do my whole life: write a book. Here's a little background: So I've spent my entire life absolutely loving books, movies, television shows, and even the stories within music. I've been accused of overanalyzing every characteristic of main characters to every element of a plot. I will watch movies multiple times, completely engaged. More than one person has said the following words to me, "It's just a movie" -- or book, or show -- you get what I mean. Because of my obsession with a good story, I always wanted to be a writer. However, the risk involved in making a living wage off writing had me caving to my more practical side. So... I became the next best thing... a history teacher. Now some of you reading this may be like, "How's a teacher the next best thing to a writer?" Well, I'll tell you. You get to imagine and create every single day. I'm lucky to teach in a place where I get to create a warm, engaging environment based off my own design. So why a history teacher? History is the story of humankind. It's filled with drama, hope, love, twists and turns -- everything we could possibly want in a good movie. Then why do we make it so boring to the average person in school? I honestly don't know the answer to that. I try to make history as fun as I can in the classroom, incorporating my storytelling abilities alongside teaching students to develop their own storytelling abilities. Therefore, revealing the story of humankind to students was the next best thing to writing stories of my own each day... and it came with a steady paycheck. So... How did this lead me back to my original dream of being a writer? After teaching for about ten years, I felt like a part of who I was wasn't being utilized -- almost like an inherent part of me was sitting in the back of my subconscious begging to come out. Even though I'd made my other dreams come true (becoming a wife, mom, and teacher), something was tugging at my heart. I'd even gotten confused enough to try and switch jobs, dabble in hobbies I'd never cared for, attempt a doctoral degree in something I wasn't even interested in -- I was searching for something. I prayed constantly for guidance and did what I thought was best in my heart. I felt desperate at times, but I just kept getting up and looking for opportunities to lead me down the right path. One day, a friend and I were having a conversation. He suggested I take time for myself as I was completely wiped out after a long week of teaching and (for lack of a better term) mom-ing. It was my friend's way of telling me "to get a hobby". I explained that I had no idea what I would even want to do anymore. It had been so long since I'd done anything for just myself. I didn't even know what I liked to do. Then he said, "You love writing. How 'bout writing?" Now, that was a brilliant idea! Seriously, you can write anywhere and at any time. It's basically free! But for some reason I was stubborn. I responded with a scoff and an expected complaint, "Take time to write? How the hell am I going to fit that into my life?" We laughed it off and got distracted by something I can't even remember now. However, I'm sure it was one of the children launching themselves off furniture in a cape. Our kids are very imaginative and driven. Of course a cape can defy the laws of physics, mom! A few weeks later, even though I'd moved on from the conversation, the thought " how 'bout writing" sat in the back of my mind. So one day, instead of watching television, I mustered up the courage to sit in front of our laptop and open a blank document. As soon as I set my fingers on the keyboard, the words poured onto the page. Apparently, something inside me had been dying to get out, and the decision to sit down and write had unleashed that tiny creature in the back of my subconscious. I couldn't stop. I wrote and wrote. It was so exciting! I had half a novel! And then... Life happened. Yep, I got distracted by a million different things: family, friends, job, current events -- you name it. And the novel I was working on got pushed aside. But the creature in my subconscious wouldn't have it. The idea didn't die. The novel didn't disappear. It lived in the back of my mind, and I had all sorts of different thoughts about it like: Should I continue it? Nah, it's stupid. What I wrote is silly. No one will like it. Just delete it. You don't have time for that. Maybe when you retire... You get the idea. So years passed and my novel hung out in docs, waiting to be completed. Then one day I was teaching a group of Western Civ students, and we were talking about the Greek philosophers. This discussion led to what we wanted to get out of life, which then led to us discussing our dreams. The students were struggling to choose their next path in life as they were seniors at the time. I was feeling very inspired that day so what I told them was this: "Live your dream? Nah... live your DREAMS! You really can live more than one dream. You can have a family and run a business. You can be a lawyer for 20 years and then a teacher. You can go to college or travel the world as a wild vagabond! The options are endless. But most importantly at the end of the day, you have to answer to yourself and only yourself. You want to close your eyes at night, knowing you're attempting to live your best life. Don't get me wrong, it may be hard, treacherous, and have both negative and positive consequences, but in the end you will be happy because you know you tried your hardest to live your dreams!" Doesn't that sound nice? Great motivation for seniors getting ready to walk out into the "real world". By the way that irks me -- the real world -- because some of these kids are already living in a pretty tough real world. They are inspiringly resilient! Anyway, the students and I had a good conversation about my impromptu speech, and the discussion we had lives with me to this day. As for the topic of that motivational speech I delivered by the power of God? It settled in my mind. (I say 'by the power of God' because there's no way I come up with this stuff on my own.) That speech and discussion with a group of Western Civ seniors on a rainy November day is what motivated me to put myself out there and finish my book. Now, here I am -- one novel down, a second on the way, a website designed, more social media posts in the past week than in my entire life, and a business developed through a pen name. Who would've thought taking my husband's advice to just write would lead to a life changing opportunity? I've only written one novel, I'm not very well-known, and I have a long road ahead in becoming a bestselling career novelist. But the door is now open! Once the book was written, the true rollercoaster began and is still running wild. I'm now in a world I never expected -- one of blog posts, writerslifts, hashtags I still don't understand, legal documentation, marketing ploys, scams, honest to goodness advice, rejections, and praise. Being an author has me elated one minute and then lying in the fetal position the next. It's been a wild ride, and I look forward to every minute of being a wife, mom, teacher, and now a... writer! Thank you so much for reading! If you like what I write about or want to stay up to date with my novel releases, be sure to submit your name and email below! May God lead you through your best life!
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